We are fast approaching the end of the week! We are down to the nitty gritty of getting supplies and suggestions in order so when we depart, the work can continue. Amy spent the entire day writing out everyone’s suggestions of activities that could be done with each child, and then getting it translated. Throughout the day, she borrowed different people to grab their suggestions (or photos, in the case of Melissa). Majesca finished up some one on one work, testing visual tracking with Aldo, and engagement with Rodrigo and Augusto. Katie spent most of her day helping with feeding, as well as working with a young man who was reported to be orally seeking.
Melissa also helped with feeding, sorted through and counted the feeding supply donations, and took position photos for our handouts. Jenny was able to get off campus and gain access to sewing machines to make a back rest for a wheelchair. Her afternoon was consumed with refurbishing wheelchairs. Trisha continues to play with babies. She was also able to go through games that might be appropriate for some visitors and volunteers to play with Jeremy, a young man with Autism.
We’ll let Sebastian send you off with an “Adios” for today!