China – August 2012

Once again, BRIGHT partnered with All God’s Children International, and traveled to Beijing, China for ten days. Two of these days were tourist days, five were spent in orphanages, two were spent traveling, and one “disappeared” due to the weird time change between here and there.

The first three work days were spent in a Foster Home called New Day. This is a non-profit foster home that is owned and run at every level by Chinese and Americans. This foster homes exists to care for children with severe medical needs or disabilities that are too tough for the government orphanages to handle. New Day pays for heart surgeries, reconstructive surgeries, organ transplants, etc. all on donated funds. We were able to do therapy with all of the children at this facility (upwards of 50 kids) by age groups; the babies, the toddlers, the preschoolers, and the elementary kids (up to age 12). We also spent two hours training the nannies on how they can incorporate music into their daily routine with the children. In addition, we spent an hour with their resident “speech therapist” (she is not licensed, but she is AMAZING, and has received training from various visiting therapists), showing her how to incorporate music into her therapy with the children.

The last two work days were spent at a smaller foster home called Harmony House. On the first day, we implemented about an hour of music, but there more much more pressing needs of this house that needed to be addressed. They were looking to move, and in fact, signed the lease to a new place that night. Because it needed to be a large place to house all of their babies, and it has been unoccupied, cleaning would have been a nightmare for the five ladies trying to run the house. Our mission team took the second day and cleaned their new living quarters (both stories) from top to bottom.

Read our blog posts from the China Trip.