Today was a long day. The team spent the morning observing children in the adjoining preschool that has a handful of “inclusion kids” that we are working with directly and some kids who have disabilities but are not receiving therapy from the center. Katie wrote up behavior plans, Jenny helped address a boy who most likely has Cerebral Palsy, and Ronit assisted in adapting pencil grips and feeding utensils. Gali made balloon animals for every child, making it quite a special morning.
The team members went through their donations with the staff after a quick lunch, and before we knew it, the first group of kiddos arrived for their therapy sessions. In this group, a young girl named Asja (Ah-see-yah) with some mobility complications worked with Jenny the PT and Amy the MT. Ronit set up a sensory station and exposed all of the kids to the wonders of bean boxes and shaving cream. Katie worked hard at the PECS station, correcting and fine tuning some things.
Highlights were shared over dinner tonight, and the team enjoyed that they felt useful and productive, and that a cutie pie helped lead a song during the departing circle time with Amy (check out our facebook page for the video!). Bonus picture of Katie loving on a sweetie pie, Vedo.